How To Show FPS Counter While Playing CS GO | FPS

There are many ways to display the FPS counter on the display while playing CS GO. Remember, CS GO is a competitive game, and getting an FPS count of 100+ is not a new thing to us. But still, if you wanted to know how much FPS you're getting while playing CS GO, read below. 

Steps To Show FPS Counter While Playing CS GO

What you will answer if I ask you ''Why do you want to see FPS? "

FPS counter can help you in various ways, like it may help you in knowing whether the lag in gameplay is due to the internet (high ping) or the PC itself. 

While playing any online multiplayer/BR games, if you encounter any lag or freeze then you have the right to blame either the internet connection or the low FPS. If the FPS counter shows the sudden decline and then rise, then it's called unstable FPS or FPS drop. Read further to know more. 

The following list explains the meaning of numbers on the FPS indicator:

  • 0-30 FPS – this is categorized as low FPS for CS: GO. The picture is poor and you may certainly experience lags.
  • 30-60 FPS  – a normal situation for most computers. Decent visuals with no technical issues.
  • 60-100 FPS - a good level. The world looks beautiful and you are quite effective in multiplayer (of course, if you can play CS: GO well)
  • 100-300 FPS - very good performance, excellent graphics, and flawless synchronization with the server.

1. Through Steam's Display Setting

The most basic step is through steam itself.  As CS GO is only available on Steam as well as without it, you cannot run CS GO. Steam has many elements in the setting.


  • Open Steam on your PC
  • On the top left corner, click on 'Steam'

FPS Counter

  • Click on 'Setting' on the 'Steam' drop menu.
  • Go to 'In-game'

Steam In game

  • Choose where you want to display the FPS counter while the game is running.
  • Click 'Ok'

So this is one of the most basic ways to display the FPS counter while playing CS GO. There is no need to download anything in this case as you have CS GO from steam and steam itself have tons of option in the setting and FPS counter can be turned on from here. But there is another way if you have Nvidia graphic card or AMD. 

2. Through Nvidia GeForce Experience

For Nvidia card users, Nvidia GeForce Experience is required and it can be downloaded from a verified Nvidia site. After downloading, make sure that the latest driver is installed on your PC. Never update your driver via Windows update, because sometimes it is not responsive. After doing this, follow the given steps. This process work for GTX 600 or better. 


  • After installing Nvidia Geforce Experience, and updating the driver, open the setting.

GeForce Experience Setting

  • In setting, go to General 
  • Scroll down and open 'setting' in  In-Game Display

Geforce Experience FPS

  • After opening the setting, click HUD Layout
  • In HUD Layout, open FPS Counter.
  • Choose the side of the FPS Counter by clicking any box.
  • Click 'Back', not 'off' because most of the time it happens that people may click Off without looking. 

If the FPS counter didn't show up while playing CS GO, then make sure you have Nvidia Experience running in the background while playing CS GO. If still not visible, click ALT +Z (make sure Experience is running), follow the above steps again, and switch off and on the FPS counter. 

But this doesn't apply to AMD users. AMD and Nvidia are two different companies. So for AMD users, proceed below. 

3. Through AMD Panel:

Make sure you have an AMD Radeon HD 7700 card or better to proceed with the steps. Install AMD ReLive and make sure you have the latest AMD driver installed from the AMD site. Follow these steps. 


  • Open ReLive application
  • Directly press Alt+ Z for the shortcut. 
  • Go to performance on the top. 
  • Drop Metric Option
  • Select FPS Counter. 

If FPS Counter didn't show up while playing CS GO. Then make sure there is a running ReLive application in the background by simply opening it and minimize it. Now open the CS GO again, press ALT + Z, again go to the same steps and switch off and then again switch on the FPS counter. 

4. For Windows 10 Pro

FPS  Counter is exclusively available for Windows 10 Pro users. It doesn't just show FPS, it also shows how much percentage of CPU, GPU, and RAM usage are currently in use. So to enable this, make sure your Windows is on the latest update. Follow these steps. 


  • Launch Xbox Game Bar from Windows Search.

Xbox Game Bar

  • Enable game bar. 
  • Now open CS GO (make sure you didn't shut down the game bar) 
  • Press Windows + G

Windows + G

5. Through a simple command

  • Make sure you have enabled the developer mode from the setting. 
  • Press console '~' below the 'Esc' button. 
  • Type 'net_graph 1' (it includes ping too) 
  • Or type 'cl_showfps 1'.
  • To remove either of the above, just type the same command and replace 1 with 0. (I.e 'net_graph 0' and 'cl_showfps 0')


This article was published on 21st September of 2020 and it keeps updating (recently updated on 21st August 2021) 

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