Which Resident Evil Is The Best? | (Biohazard, 2Remake, 3 remake)

Resident Evil Series

The first ever Resident Evil game released in 1996 by Capcom. Capcom has it own style of making this game. Resident Evil is a horror survival video game series and moreover, the astonishing puzzles which have to be solved in order to proceed for the next mission is what make it unique from other games. 

Till the time, there are 3 best games from Resident Evil series which you'll find below. 

3 Best Games Of Resident Evil Series

1. Resident Evil 7 Biohazard 

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard

This game was released in 2017 but still Resident Evil 7 is hands down the most terrifying game one can play. It was developed by Capcom so obviously you should expect that this game has a lot of puzzles like for example, to find a key for a door, player will have to look after every photos, notes, recorded tapes, etc available in the house to find the hint to get that key. 

Moreover playing with VR headset may not be a good option for soft hearted.The First person perspective camera itself is too horrifying. 

What makes this game so terrifying? 

In this game, the story start from a person Ethan, who in order to find his wife after a long years, stepped into a house full of horrifying evils. He wasn't aware about that house being a place of evils. 

Almost every evils are so terrifying and if the character didn't maintain his stealth, the scary evil will find you. There's so many blood bath fights with evils so make sure you are strong enough to play this game. 

2. Resident Evil 2 Remake 

Resident Evil 2 Remake

The story Resident Evil 2 Remake is similar to that of Resident Evil 2 Original. Maximum amount of change is made in its graphic. The graphic is simply mind blowing as well as the game itself is released  recently so no doubt, the graphic must  be  amazing. 

This game is different from Resident Evil 7 as there are zombies and terrible creatures in Resident Evil 2 Remake. 

The zombie AI is improved to a great extent from the original version of RE2. So there is no 'no brainer' in this game. 

What makes this game so terrifying? 

Even with advanced weapons, you'll feel very nervous when heading towards the next corner ad their is bullet scarce. Moreover not every zombies can dies after certain bullet shots. Some takes 2-4 bullets while other may takes 9 bullets to die. 

So it is always better to run away from zombies, but how long can you run? Because you'll definitely have to waste your ammo at some critical point. 

3. Resident Evil 3 Remake

Resident Evil 3 Remake

RE3 Remake is similar to RE2 remake. In Resident Evil 3 Remake, Valentine’s apartment section is new. The original game started with an anonymous explosion in her building. In the remake, Nemesis chases Jill since the beginning. The story of RE3 Remake is definetely more intense. 

Although there's no crow or spider which was in the original Resident Evil 3. But the hospital has change upto great extent. The graphic is also too good and much better than the original RE3. Though your first preference should be Resident Evil 2 Remake before playing this. 


Capcom never disappoint us with their games. Though the original version might be better for some people but in the era of gaming, graphic is what the first priority of every developers. Resident Evil 7 Biohazard is must to play for those who didn't played it before. It simply an awesome game filled with terrifying evils and puzzle. 

While playing RE7, one must have to be sure about it footsteps too, because it might create a door for troubles. Resident Evil 2 Remake should be the first priority if your main motive is to get an thrilling survival game where the story is based on apocalypstic world. 

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