5 Skill Tips To Get Better At Sniping In FPS Games |

 Sniper plays a decent role in the team and it requires a hell of a lot of stealth. What is more fun than getting a headshot with a sniper?

Following are the tips that can make you quite better Sniper. 

You will definitely love sniping if you acquire these tips.

1. Adjusting Sensitivity of aiming  :

Most of the new (even some experienced) snipers in multiplayer, who could not make enough kills/score, enraged by this, they constantly change the aiming sensitivity which is pretty bad. This is not the way someone could become a better sniper! This will do nothing but frequently change your mind by killing your focus level and your mind loses rigidity towards aiming.
All you got to do is practice sniping without changing the sensitivity level of the gameplay and make your mind rigid towards it. It will force your mind to get adapted to it and in this way you can slowly increase your sensitivity ONLY TO SOME EXTENT.

2. Selecting sniper's scope range (You mean 100x?):

Most of the snipers certainly put the high-level scope in the hope of better vision, but trust me, your hope will just remain a hope. High range scope will do nothing but make your rifle roam around until the enemy passes away to the nearest cover, you will definitely waste your time changing the position of your gun around your enemy. Even it happened to me that someone was literally dancing on the ground while I was busy aiming his head with my 40x scope.

So always use a scope of moderate range or low range. 

It will not only help you to have a wider look but you can aim pretty good with it. An experienced sniper who is good with a moderate and low scope can go for extreme one only if your aiming is pretty good and you don't need much time to aim with your scope at the enemy.

3. Patience* (sound nothing right?):

Patience, it means the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. In sniping too, it plays a crucial role. See, sniping is nothing like using an assault rifle, running after your enemy but in sniping, you gotta kill that running person which is not easy which everyone knows. You have to keep your mind cool even after wasting several bullets on an enemy.

Use your moderate/ low range (refer to point 2) scope and keep vision on your enemy, let them stop and then you shoot rather than wasting your ammo and making them suspicious about you. You don't need to breathe heavily for this.

4. Strive for head-shot :

Sniper's bullets are deadly and at maximum, 2 bullets are enough to kill any enemy with your sniper if you avoid a headshot. But pulling the bolt itself take much time. So always strive for a headshot. 

Headshot is not any easy stuff and for it, you require deep patience. , you have already read in the 3rd point about how patience plays a decent role. Breath slowly while aiming for the headshot, move your finger while aiming at head hold/click the stealth button and pull the trigger reflexively when the time arrives.
If you failed at it, NEVER lose your cool or else you will immediately lose your patience and can no longer shoot for a headshot!

You will not just be mastered at headshots, but your aiming skill will certainly boom!

5. Hiding place:

Always prefer hiding near the cover away from the direction of your teammates ( more than 3) who are busy killing enemies. The reason behind it is simple, enemies must be looking for your teammates because they won't bother to find you where they can easily find your teammates.

Don't get noticed by an enemy sniper when in search of such cover. 

In games like CS GO, there's really no place to hide and snipe. For games like this, a sniper is just for the sake of quick scoping. 

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