How To Earn Money By Gaming Without Being Pro?

Earn whule gaming

Nowadays, gaming is not just for spending casual time while playing with random players around the world but has become a serious field where one can earn millions of dollars by devoting hours and practicing hard. 

Though not everyone plays like Shroud so I am not expecting you to be a professional gamer, one who can definitely put some hours into it and have some patience as well as you are not going to get a quick-rich scheme but certainly you can earn passive money out of gaming. 

Not a pro gamer? No problem at all.

How To Earn Money Without Being A Pro-Gamer? 

1. Game Tester

Game tester

The role of a game tester is to examine the newly produced game before being released publicly.  Right now there are several gaming industries in the need of game testers to analyze their game, find out mistakes, flaws, etc. 

You'll just have to play the game and be cautious enough while finding the mistake because you can be the reason for a big gaming industry coming out on the road just because you didn't analyze the newly game properly, that's not true at all, several game testers are being hired by gaming industries, so not really to worry about. 

But before coming to the conclusion of joining any gaming industry as a game tester, make sure it's just another job that you may find frustrating if you didn't expect this as a serious job. If you're used to finding out flaws in games and can back-bitch about games such as Cyberpunk 2077 due to the bugs or flaws, then you're good to go ahead in this area.

  • Good eye-hand coordination
  • Lots of patience
  • Communication skill

What's next?

I have found a place for you if you really wish to proceed into becoming a game tester. You may not have heard about this site before but still, I can say that this site is safe.

Is the above site a safe place to pay?

The retail online store is approved by Click Bank, it's pretty safe.

Click here to redirect to the game tester site

2. Joining a small-scale tournament of your favorite game. 

Mini tournament

Come on, at least know your potential and join any mini-tournament pool where you can earn some passive money if you win. I know you'll have to be a kinda professional in this field, but where in this world you can earn money without coming out of the comfy coziness? 


  • Definite skill in the chosen game
  • Good PC & monitor
  • Confident

How to find a tournament?

If you are already a kind of that gamer, then you may get to see a few too many advertisements about tournaments around social media. Check out Faceit for many tournaments and rewards. 

Faceit also gives rewards to those who can play exceptionally well. Some of the recent rewards were an AMD Radeon card, a 144hz monitor, etc. There are many sites like Faceit. 

3. Stream your gameplay on platforms

Gaming channels are paid pretty well because of high competition as well as pretty high traffic. You are not required to be a professional gamer in this field, but a good entertainer so you can entertain the audience. 

If you have a good sense of humor and can make the audience laugh at some points while streaming, you are a good entertainer. 

Though entertainment doesn't just include funny stuff, if you can make the audience thrill, excited, frighten, and all fun you can get them through your gaming, you stand at a good place in this field. 


  • Good sense of humor
  • Speaking skill
  • Some popular games on your pc. 
  • High-speed internet connection, definitely. 

How to kick off in this field? 

In the beginning, you may require more dedication than in the future, so patience is the most important factor. After all, make a channel on YouTube with unique content. By the term unique, post videos that are somehow different from what others posts. 

Shoutout your channel on social media platforms and keep your work doing for like 1-2 years.

You'll see the sign of success after few years of hustle. After building face fame, you will be able to earn more than expected. Twitch is another such platform solely dedicated to gaming videos/streaming and. 

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