How Long Does It Take To Charge A Tesla?

Tesla is a successful electric automobile conglomerate and manufactured a variety of models such as Model X, S, 3.Tesla didn't arrived in some of the developing countries or underdeveloped. Charging duration of a Tesla car depends on several factors such as how old it is, charging source, etc. 

Does the fast charging is better than slow charging in any way? - Nope, read further to know. 

How Long Tesla Take To Be Fully Charged? 

There are three possible ways to charge a Tesla:

  • Home charging
  • Public Charging
  • Charging at superchargers

Each of them has different output therefore, the time taken to charge are different for each of the above ways. Let's know about the duration or time it take to charge a Tesla by these three means.

Home Charging: 

Time: Overnight

To charge an empty-charged Tesla with home charging, you may put the Tesla on charging during night and commute with it during day. Home charging takes longer than all the other methods of charging because of the fact that home power supply is comparatively lower than the other means of charging. 

Tesla also have a portable mobile charger in order to charge the vehicle in emergency, though it is a lot more time-consuming way to charge a Tesla. 

In order to speed up the charging process with the home charging method, one can take the help of electrician.

Public Charging: 

Time: Depends (Can take an overnight to charge or as quick as 30 mins).

 For instance, if you charge a Tesla at a public charging play where the power output is as low as 45 kW which mean more than 12 hours is required to charged a drained Tesla. 

Whereas, at some public charger, the power output may be as high as 120 kW, which mean your drained Tesla will charged fully at an hour. This include V2 as well as V3 superchargers (exclusively for Tesla).

What's kW?- kW refer to kilowatt, mean a thousand watt (1000 watt) also known as power. We can find power by various methods. Once such instance to find the power of an object is to multiply the amount of force produced (Newton) with speed. 10 kW is equivalent to 13.4 horsepower. Volt and amp (current) are two different things.



Charging at superchargers:

Time: 30 minutes to an hour or more, depending on the type of supercharger.

It may be the fastest way if the chosen charger is V3. Let's go in depth.

Types of Superchargers (fastest to slowest):

1. V3 Supercharger

  • Time: 15 mins to 1 hour
  • Max Power: 250 kW

V3 superchargers are currently the latest and the fastest superchargers for Tesla. Though the accessibility to these chargers is pretty low due to low availability and it is the only cons of V3 superchargers. It can charge a new Tesla model in less than an hour (10-20 minutes). It don't have the power sharing option any longer. It's a one megawatts cabinet. V3 comes with cooling system as well. 

After all, the the duration for charging a drained Tesla may take anywhere between 15 mins to 45 mins.Though Tesla has increased the charging speed of Model S and X via software update.

2. V2 Supercharger 

  • Time: 30 mins to more than an hour.
  • Max Power: 145 kW

It's not as fast as V3 supercharger but definitely better than urban superchargers. Moreover, V2 Superchargers are the most common superchargers. Mostly provided in active areas. It doesn't have cooling system like that of V3.

3. Urban supercharger

  • Time: More than 45 minutes
  • Max Power: 72 kW

Urban superchargers are generally available in parking lot, underground garage across the cities. Charging vehicles which were bought after January 1, 2017 get 400 kW free each year.

Does the fast charging is better than slow charging in?

Tesla batteries are Lithium-based. Lithium is one of the best element for battery because it readily lose electrons and make the flow of current smooth, but there's a downside while using Lithium based battery. While fast-charging a Lithium based battery, it degenerates faster due to the internal heat build up. Fast charging can damage the battery in rare case, but do make it less durable.

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