How Teen Can Make Money And Improve Skill | Ideas


Teenage is certainly a period of a person who has to undergo a lot of learning as well as dealing with real responsibility for the first time in life. The opportunity for teens is ever-growing as this is the 21st century and the options are wide-ranging. Teen group is the only period where a person is not a kid, yet not an adult where he can earn a full-time income but definitely a time where you can learn some ways of making passive money as well as learn some soft skills which may be useful in future. 

Money making ideas for Teens

1. Organize a tournament for outdoor games:


Method: Planning a tournament is pretty simple, all you have to do is choose any sports such as badminton, football, baseball, cricket, etc. Invite younger players (than you) so it will be easier for you to control the tournament. All you have to do is find a ground that is accessible for every player, plan your own rules for the tournament such as fee, winning prize (cash or anything), some of your buddies to ensure a fair match. 

By tournament, I don't mean that you'll have to hire broadcasters, crews, or call some spectators, as well as trophies and renting land. Dude, it's just a friendly local tournament, even a public/school sports playground can do the same job. Make sure you layout the fee and winning a prize in such a way that it will not exceed your profit at any cost.  

Hint: You can take the help of your friends in by putting a notice about the tournament or put a notice in your school/college/neighbor and specify the information related to a participation fee, venue, winner's cash prize, etc. 

For example, the joining fee is 20 USD and the total number of players is 15. You get 300 USD in total and the winning prize is 100 USD. After all, you have 200 USD (maybe lesser if some expenses are remaining to pay). You may too participate, if you win, the whole money will be yours! 

Skills you'll develop: 

  • Entrepreneurship (planning & rule layout)
  • Sportsmanship
  • Social skill

2. Organize a tournament for multiplayer games:


Method: The process is simpler than planning a tournament for outdoor games because you don't need to worry about going outside. In some games like PUBG, you don't require to purchase a server for custom matches from third-party sites. Such types of games allow custom matches with in-game requirements such as in PUBG.

You will have to purchase a room card that enables you to create your own custom match with selected players. On the other hand, you'll have to purchase a server from trusted sites for games like CS GO. Make sure that the anti-cheat software is included.

Hint: Post about the tournament on social media as well as with your friends. You'll have to mention the joining fee, winning cash prize (or anything), time slot, etc. If you don't want to buy a server, then the alternate option is to find out a gaming hub near you to play on LAN (Local Area Network). 


The amount of money you'll make depends on the joining fee, total players, and winning prize. You may too participate because if you win, the whole money will be yours! Wait, did you assign the prize to the top 3 winners? Or a team? Or an individual? It depends! 

Skills you'll develop: 

  • Entrepreneurship (planning & rule layout)
  • Social skill
  • Sportsmanship

3. Proofreading:


Do you know that blogging is currently trending just because the topic of blogging started circulating widely throughout the world during the pandemic? Many people want proofreaders who could check grammatical mistakes and typos. If you are good at finding out errors in writing, then I guess proofreading is certainly an option for you. It may look easier, but it is not.

Method: There are some freelancing apps available on the app store such as Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer, Toptal, etc. In the kick-off, you'll find these platforms too difficult, but one thing is sure that the traffic is huge to these apps. Currently, it's hard to make more than 50 USD an hour due to the competition.

Hint: Freelancing is highly competitive and employers are looking for the best output so definitely a good portfolio is required to grab the attention of the employer. You can showcase your achievement if you have any. Do less paying work first. While proofreading, read the words aloud and have a dictionary with you. You may use spell checkers. 

You can certainly enhance your reading skill as well as your grammar, but shouldn't these skills must be with you before enrolling yourself in proofreading works? Overall, you may certainly develop a skill on how people choose freelancers. 

Skills you'll develop: 

  • Dealing with employers.
  • Writing/reading skills.
  • Social skill


As you're a teen, you may definitely have some sort of experience or skill in any field which you may teach to others.  

Method: Make sure that you are really good in any field which you're going to teach. Find out pupils which are interested in the field where you have some expertise. Know about the area where the pupil is struggling. Aim for a short-term tutor because you may not want yourself to indulge in it completely.

Hint: Go for an online tutor on skype, zoom, or on any other video-conferencing app. Take hourly charge depending on the expertise you got and the level of the pupil. Try assigning homework to the pupil as well as do yours before teaching. 

Skills you'll develop:

  • Mentoring skill
  • Social skill
  • Good at understanding the weak point of others. 
  • At last, you'll be revising your topic. 

5. Through social media

I don't think I need to mention this, because you may be already aware of it.

For instance, if you have any potential or talent which you can share on platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook. 

After getting a good amount of LEGIT  (if not legit, big companies may reject you) followers and subscribers, you'll get few too many people or company asking you to shoutout or promote their brand and in return, they'll pay you some commission, which is dependent on your popularity and the size of the company. 

Some platforms may display ads over your profile or videos (as on YouTube) after you have surpassed the minimum criteria. Ad pays depending on the CPC (cost per click), CPM (cost per thousand impressions), and to increase the revenue, implement the basic steps to increase the organic traffic to your channel or profile which you can find on other sites. 

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