What Is FPS Game? | Do FPS Refer To Quality Of Game?

Fps games

The heading says that is it related to the quality of the game? Its depend on what we are talking about. There is a confusion between the FPS having 2 meanings. 

You may heard someone saying that they're getting 60 FPS or 45FPS, whatever, this refer to the quality of game while it's running. You might have also heard that Call Of Duty is an FPS game series. 

Difference between these two FPS:

The following make sense while describing FPS, 

  • FPS Game 
  • FPS Of Game

1. FPS Game

Here, the term FPS refer to First Person Shooter. Overall, its mean First Person Shooter Game and games like Call Of Duty, Battlefield are FPS game because you can  see the game in the same way as we see the world with our eyes. 

FPS Games

TPS game is different from FPS game. TPS stand for Third Person Shooter and it allow the player to view more area  because the camera is behind the player. Resident Evil 2 Remake, Uncharted Series are TPS games. Far Cry series are FPS series. 

What does it depend on? 

It depend on the developers of the game. They can set the game TPS or FPS or both according to there preference as well as fanbase preference. Some people like FPS game more than TPS game just for the sake of realism. While TPS games aren't bad, and it's the matter of personal choice of users. So FPS games are as better as TPS games. No need to start a fight. 

In general, TPS games are slightly harder to make as the angle of vision of area is more than FPS games. 

2. FPS Of Game

Here, FPS stands for Frame Rate Per Second. It defines the smoothness of the game while running. The FPS of game depends on several factors. First of all, more will be the FPS of a game, more smoother it will run and appears lag- free (graphic is different). 

Though people fights a lot over 45FPS and 60 FPS. But the matter of fact is that both are pleasant to eyes as long as it's stable and without sudden drop in FPS (eg: 45FPS to 15 FPS or 60 FPS to 34 FPS). We should understand the fact is that comparing make the things worse. 

FPS of game

Like, it's always true that 60 FPS will look butter-smooth if compared to 45FPS. But if playing separately, no one could notice the difference. So the controversial topic of 60 FPS vs 45FPS is just a waste of time. 

Unless you're playing competitive games such as CS GO, Valorant, Fortnite, etc. high FPS is not always required. 

FPS drop refer to the sudden decline in FPS while gaming. Which cause freeze, lag during the game. At some extent, it can even crash the game. 

What does FPS of game depend on? 

FPS of a game depend on following factors:

  • How well is the game optimised by maker. 
  • How good is the PC setup. 

1. How well is the game optimised by maker:

The game with the best optimisation by makers can get more and stable FPS even on low end PC. 

On the other hand, if the game is worst optimised, then even the RTX 2080 paired with i7 9th gen will face trouble for stable FPS and constantly drop in FPS would be noticed. 

2. How well is your PC setup: 

First of all, FPS of game mostly depend on the CPU. PC having better specs will run almost all the game with high and stable FPS. PC with low specs cannot run high-end games at satisfactory level. To run games such as RDR2 at stable FPS, a well mid to high spec PC is required having atleast 8GB RAM, GTX 1650, i5 6th Gen. 

Games like CS GO, in order to run at stable and high FPS, even low end PC is good. 


FPS games and FPS of a game are earth and sky difference. FPS game is First Person Shoot game whereas FPS of game is Frame rate Per Second, defining the smoothness of game. 60 FPS is like smoothie in front of 45FPS. But if played separately, all the taste of smoothie will disappear. The main aim should be stable fps of more than 45FPS. 

FPS drop is something which should be taken into consideration. 

Published on 28th September, 2020. Updated on 1st November, 2020

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