How To Play CS GO Call-outs, Role, Etc.

Cs go terrorist

CS GO is like any other FPS online game such as Valorant, Apex Legends, etc. Though unlike other games, CS GO is damn very realistic in terms of shooting, recoil and guns. For example, CS GO's AK recoil is as realistic as AK in real life. In many games, jumping doesn't cause any impact while shooting, but if you try to shoot while jumping in CS GO, you'll miss the target. Anyway, lets know the basics of CS GO. 

How To Play CS GO 

We'll know later in this article about different roles in CS GO team. First of all, lets know about the very basic in-game stuffs. 

1. Knowing about how to choose gun:

For beginners, try to play deathmatch as it will give rough idea about how the gameplay works. In during match, press 'B' and choose the gun you want. Better choose firearm as it have very less recoil. When you can use firearm with no trouble. Try using SMG with more recoil control. In the first round, take firearm. But in second round, never buy a gun with price of AK 47  or costlier than it. As it will simply land you in trouble during the next match.

2. Knowing about how to aim properly:

Never spray all the bullets of any automatic gun at one time because as a beginner, it is not easy to control these gun as the recoil velocity is high. 
Try tapping (pressing the trigger rather than holding it) with your gun to aim with ease and it let you have better control. Always try to keep your cross hair up, as the chance of getting a head-shot is maximum when your cross hair is kept high. 

When you started getting familiar with the spray pattern of guns, you can try to spray if it is easier for you than tapping. For me, tapping is the best and instant way to kill opponent. For better aiming, try to get a position where your opponents will find difficult to see you such as below the palace in Mirage map. 

Try to aim slowly at head if the opponent didn't notice your existence, and if the opponent has noticed you, then shoot at the body with 2-3 bullets at a time. Don't worry about the opponent, as shooting at body will reduce their movement speed

3. Call-outs

A new player in CS GO finds difficult while communicating with other team mates as they are unaware about the different call outs. 'Map call outs' is different stuff. 

Some common call outs and it meaning:


  • Flash: Throw flashbang
  • Smoke: Throw smoke grenade
  • Nade: Throw HE grenade

2. Action:

  • Rush: To move at the site without stopping. 
  • Peek: Look around the corner for enemies. 
  • Flank/back: Kill enemy from behind. 
  • Fake: Fooling the enemies for spot. 
  • Rotate: Quickly going to the another site. 
  • Fallback: Change the position, usually during fight (Same as rotate) . 

3. Buy phase:

  • Eco: Not spending money for guns. 
  • Full buy: Spend the money for best gun. 
  • Force buy: Spending all the money irrespective of balance. (Usually during the last rounds) 

4. Roles in CS GO match:

As you will get better at CS GO, you would be stepping for competitive matches. In most of the competitive matches with high tiers players, there is role distribution between the players. The player with the best skill in particular action may go for that role. Although there are total 5 players in each teams, total roles are seven. 


  • Entry Fragger: The role of it is to goes in first and pick up the first fight.
  • Support: Stay with other teammates and provide help with flash,nades,etc.
  • Lurker: Their role is to predict the enemies and call out to rotate and they have a great sense of sound. Lurkers requires great predictability skill.
  • IGL: Known as In Game Leader. Their role is to call out position and make plans.
  • Playmaker: They are usually aggressive and when the fragger dies, they come in role. Playmakers are great at clutch. (Clutch: killing most of the opponents)

These are the 5 roles in a CS GO team. But additional 2 roles are also there:

  1. Awper: Their role is to use AWP gun and have quick reaction time with great aiming skill. They mainly get role in entry fragger.
  2. Rifler: Person good at rifle and have good spray pattern memory for compensation.

5. Map call-outs:

Most of the players cannot learn the whole maps call out but remember few call outs and use them for adjacent map call outs. There is an app call CS GO Guide on Playstore which one can download it, select the map and keep it near the monitor so that it will become easier to understand the call-outs place.

For example: In mirage map, when an enemy is near pillars, teammates will usually say that the enemy is at 'palace' as it is popular call-out as well as its very adjacent to the pillars, and almost every players knows this place.

6. How to throw grenades?

Before throwing grenade, know about it functions:

  • Decoy: It produce gun shot sound to manipulate the enemies and can be great at the time of rotation. Throw decoy at a point where enemies cannot see it.
  • Flashbang: It temporarily make the enemies blind and deaf. A great grenade for fraggers. It can be used at the time of clutch.
  • Nade: The most basic grenade which cause damage. Can be used where enemies are more at a place.
  • Smoke: It is used to produce smoke. Mostly supporters use it to hide their team mates from enemies.
  •  Molotov: It fire the place where it's thrown. Can be used in order to prevent the enemies entrance.

7. When to play competitive?

After you have acquired rank 10+ and have very clear understanding of any one gun from the both side CT and T. 

Till then, play a lot of casual match and deathmatch. After you have acquired MG rank in competitive, you may go for Faceit matches and tournaments. And be ready for meeting players who might be as toxic as hell. Always mute them.

Cs go

CS GO is one of the most popular FPS competitive game with more than 10 million active players per month. CS GO is a game with intense spray in guns as well it required patience and hours of practise in order to master this game and casual players don't have this opportunity to rank easily. 

You are a beginner right here in CS GO, so you'll find tips to play CS GO better than you used to play before, but don't expect you'll become the member in one of the elite teams such as The Astralis. Okay let proceed to the main topic.. 

Tips For Beginners In CS GO:

Cs go tips

1. CS GO Tip:  Practise with bots

Practise makes a man perfect and this is true even in this case. Every cs go champion players used to practise with bots at the beginning. 

If you from nowhere, begin your first match in competitive, you'll end up getting frustrated and angry because you don't know anything about different spray of different guns,  how to aim properly while your gun is in state of spray. 

Practicing with bots will give you a rough idea on how the guns work, about the maps, and it will help you develop your hand-eye coordination as well as quick scope skill. 

So always practise with bots first and build up your confident. Some CS GO elite players recommend using pistol while practising with bots as it will makes your mind to aim at head because you got only 1 bullet at a time. 

Recommendation: Go to Steam Community Market and subscribe to reflex aim practise map and then go to CS GO, change official matchmaking to workshop map and the  select it. 

2. CS GO Tip:  Know which gun suits you

The best way to know which gun suits you is to use each and every weapons and know whether you are suitable to use semi-auto or automatic guns. 

If you are more into semi-auto, you need not to worry of spray of the gun as in semi auto, there is more accuracy and less spray state. Think about AK (It's automatic but you can shoot like gun with semi auto feature.) 

But if you're more into automatic gun and prefer to hold on trigger rather than press and release (semi auto), choose any gun which has less recoil and more damage. Your consideration is that your gun while holding trigger will lose it direction constantly. Think about  MP7 and P90.  

But make sure you know how to move while using automatic gun because running will reduce your accuracy, giving your opponent a better target. 

3. CS GO Tip:  Know how to move

Running around your enemy with AK won't do anything and the enemy would just use his pistol to kill you while crouching. Yeah, crouching always helps to give better aim and accuracy while shooting. Which mean crouching simply reduce the recoil velocity, giving you better hold on your opponent.

So try to crouch every time you see enemy ahead of you but make sure he don't have AWP pointing at you, because then the enemy would have better grip oveover you.

If you think that you cannot shoot while crouching because it slow down your movement then try to walk instead of running as it will to reduce the recoil velocity and gives you better hold at your opponent. But make sure you just don't stop entirely and move a little away whenever the opponent shoot at you.  

And don't get scared while crouching if enemy is ahead of you. 

4. CS GO Tip:  Adjusting setting

Most of the new players don't have any idea about how to adjust setting and they might think that it's all about changing the sensitivity and cross hair (lol). Changing the video setting can make a lot of difference. 

Even if you have a super gaming PC, there is no need of graphic in competitive game unless you are too (tooooo) much concern about the environment and graphic rather than giving a damn on gameplay. If you're ready to bring some change in setting which can give a big boost in FPS for those having low end gaming PC, bring everything to 'low' or 'very low' in graphic (video) setting. Reduce the resolution if you can. 

I would say leave the texture to medium if you want to experience the graphic.  After all, click on apply change at the bottom towards right. 

Vóila! now your fps hit more than 100 or might be more than 200..

5. CS GO Tip: Eyes on enemy, not on cross hair! 

Beginners do this mistake most of the time. When there is enemy ahead of you or around the corner, never turn the camera towards the enemy while looking at cross hair. 

Always look at enemy even when you are turning the camera, forget cross hair for a while and look for the bullets and movement of that enemy. 

It will give you idea about when to move around and it will develop your hand-eye coordination. You will be able to aim the enemy without giving much attention to the cross hair.  

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