Why Fortnite Is A Bad Battle Royal Game?

5 Bad Things About Fortnite

First of all, Fortnite is a wonderful game, but there are some flaws as per by gamers, which makes Fortnite a big nuisance while playing. These minor flaws don't cause much trouble while playing but still a flaw is a flaw until and unless it's fixed. 

So, Fortnite is better than several FPS or TPS games but it's bad in terms of few things. We too love this game but have to write everything whether it's good or bad. So no hate here. 

Know Why Fortnite Sucks According To Gamers.


There are 5 thing about Fortnite which sucks. 

1.FPS Problem In Fortnite


Fortnite itself is graphic demanding and consumes a lot of space in the graphic card if the video setting is set to high. If you want better graphics, then you may be opting high video setting, but in return, your FPS drop to a great extent. So a very decent gaming PC is required to run both the video at a high setting as well as better FPS. 

In games like CS GO, this doesn't happen at all. Even if you have a slightly decent gaming PC, you can set the video setting to high and still get above 100 FPS. 60 FPS is more than enough, that everyone knew, but this doesn't apply to competitive online games such as Fortnite. 

If you're very curious in terms of graphic of the game, your gameplay will lag due to FPS drop or even if there's stable FPS of let say 40 to 60 FPS, you'll not find the real satisfaction during a match. 

2.High Graphics Demand 

Graphic Demanding

As I said above, the game itself requires GTX 1650 Super as the entry-level graphic card for this game. So for integrated graphics cards, there is no chance of getting good graphics while playing Fortnite. Even if you have GTX 1650 super, you cannot play without lag and freeze if the video setting is high. 

A fix for lag in Fortnite: Completely disable the shadow in video setting and thanks me later. 


If you want a high video setting with more than 60 FPS (moreover, stable) your PC really needs RTX 2060 or a better one. 

For the sake of not getting broke, prefer to low down the video setting. Anyway, you still are getting cartoonish graphics like that in high video settings.


3. Limited Map In Fortnite

Single Map

In most of the battle royales games such as PUBG, COD Warzone, there is more than 1 map. But in Fortnite, it's easy for players to get bored after playing on one map frequently. Yeah, a single map is pretty boring too. 

But there is an obvious reason behind it. There's is a very little amount of moving body and players cannot build or destroy materials in other games. But in Fortnite, if a player builds a tower, all the other players have to see it. 

Therefore, causing a load on the map. That single map might have taken equal hard work to be created as if created for 2-3 maps of PUBG. 

Leave Minecraft, there's no more shape other than a cube, which makes it easier for developers to create a vast map. 

4.High Space Requirement Of Fortnite

High Space Consuming

The recent season of Fortnite consumes about a whopping 90GB of space! In 2018, it just took around 20GB to be well settled in PC. If the updates continued at this speed, then Fortnite will take goddamn 1TB of space in around 2045. 

Jokes aside, but still if today it takes 90GB, maybe tomorrow its update will be around 35GB more. The concept of Fortnite may have arisen from PUBG and Minecraft, but surely in terms of space, it's copying Call Of Duty Warzone. 

5. Low Interaction Between Players In Fortnite

Little Communication

Fortnite people rarely speak on the mic. In CS: GO-like games, there always come people with excellent callouts and others have to follow them. Communication makes the game exciting if more and more people started to call out.  

At last, players in a team of Fortnite rarely talk. So here, some players who don't communicate themselves are the reason for this game considering to be bad. I am not talking about pro teams, because it is obvious for them to callouts, speak as usual whenever any situation arrives. 


Fortnite is not really a bad game, some things are bad in Fortnite. After all, Fortnite is a badass game too. So keep playing. Moreover, Fortnite will become better in the upcoming days. Oh, do this mean that Fortnite will consume more space and better graphic card? 

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