How To Get Better At Fortnite Than Before?


Fortnite is shooting-genre game, in which you have to kill your opponents and gain points or a battle royale game.

Fortnite is available on all the gaming platforms, be it PS4 or mobile. The best thing about Fortnite is that it is free to play and you don't require any money to download it. Therefore, making this game damn so popular. 

To play this game, one should have at least some experience of playing any TPS game but let it be, you can gain experience from Fortnite itself to play it. We'll go through some detail of the game as well as controlling part. 

How To Play Fortnite?

No die hard skill is required to just play any game, you just need to work on your fingers and make sure you are gonna use those same fingers for controlling. If you want to move for professional gaming, read articles on famous gamers and learn from their mistake so you don't do the same. You are currently at 'How To Play Fortnite' right now. Alright, let proceed..

First of all, it is on you whether you want to play on PC by using keyboard and mouse, console by using controller or on mobile by using your fingers on screen because different people have different way of playing and we cannot say that playing on PC is easier than playing on mobile and vice versa.

Playing fortnite is too easy, but getting good at it is difficult, and we are going to know in detail about how to be better at playing Fortnite . Remember, there is no rocket science which can tell you exact way to master fortnite, one must have years of experience to get perfect at something and same applies over here.

How To Be Good At Playing Fortnite?


1. How To Be Good At Fortnite:  Adjusting Sensitivity

I know it is too easy to adjust sensitivity of any game, just get into the setting and change it, right? But that doesn't complete the story. You think that changing sensitivity frequently will help you master this game, but the result will confuse your brain as you are constantly changing the sensitivity of the game.

 Some may copy the sensitivity of famous gamers but this is not the way to become perfect at fortnite. Different people have different way of playing and controlling. Some likes quick moving while other may like slow moving.

 Adjusting sensitivity is way too easy but adjusting sensitivity according to your brain may take some time. And for this, you will have to know whether you like quick gameplay or slow paced gameplay. After you have came to the conclusion on which sensitivity best suits you, devote some time in bringing your brain used to that particular sensitivity and you can do this by playing in practice mode. So you have now completed the first tip on how to be good at fortnite.

2. How To Be Good At Fortnite: Which Gun Suits You?

So you are well aware about the sensitivity and now ready to know which type of guns really suits you. Some may be too good in aiming quickly but cannot aim far opponents quickly while other may be too good in aiming far opponents but cannot aim quickly.

To choose gun: 

  • If you can quickly aim nearest opponents, then you first priority should be shot gun as well as assault rifle 
  • If you can quickly aim far opponents then your first priority should be snipers (gun with long scope) as well as assaults.
  • If you can aim far and near opponents but not as quick as first and second, grab assaults.

Remember that shot gun has high damage but for short distance whereas sniper too has high damage but is for long range.

3. How To Be Good At Fortnite: Internet Connection

Get a broadband if you play Fortnite on mobile phone, if you play on console, then it will be better if you connect directly via router. 

If you have decent mobile phone or updated console/ gaming pc but still your game seem laggy, then the possible reason for this is slow internet connection and it can be fixed if you move closer to the broadband or directly connect it via router. Higher ping will make your gameplay laggy and good ping is about 50 ms to have smooth gameplay.

3. How To Be Good At Fortnite: Watch Streaming Of Popular Gamer

Watching gameplay of popular gamers will enable you to open yourself to new tactics and movement which can be helpful during match. You can try to copy their style of playing and this can certainly improve your gameplay in Fortnite. People learn by watching and you can do the same tip to get better idea about fortnite. 

You can watch the gameplay of popular gamers such as David Wang and Benjy Fish. Watch their style of moving, shooting, when to jump, where to hide and how to shoot when your health is short. 

4. How To Be Good At Fortnite: Upgrade your weapon

Upgrading guns will increase the damage rate and for this you'll have to find 'upgrade bench' in battle royale.  They can be found inside house. It increase the rarity of that particular weapon. Do upgrade those guns according to the point no. 2.  

Make sure you have enough materials (by breaking houses, trees, etc.) to upgrade guns using upgrade bench. 

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