Why Playing Fortnite Is Actually Good For Kids?

Fortnite Kids

Fortnite is one of the most popular battle royale games with more than 350 active million players. According to Newzoo, around 53% of total  fortnite players were aged between 10 and 25 as of 2018 report. 

Fortnite has got astonishing support worldwide because of several features they provide such as free-to-play, cross-platform, available on each platform, developers are responsive to users. We should agree to the fact that anything in excess is harmful and same applies over here, but before considering the cons of playing Fortnite, let's know the benefits of playing fortnite for kids.

Why Fortnite Is Actually Good For Kids?

Fortnite for kids

We might be told several time that playing game can harm the eyesight, this may be true to some extent. We may also be told that playing game can cause the young mind to become aggressive..

1. Benefit Of Playing Fortnite For Kid: Better Eye-sight!

As said before, anything in excess is bad but let's not talk about the excess use of fortnite. Did you knew before that playing fornite or any other video game improves visual processing?  Playing fortnite is not just about seeing things inside it, but it does help in improving eye-sight as kid is processing 2D information from screen to brain and tend to relate it like real world or better say 3D world. 

According to a well-known report, fortnite gamers or any other very well played action gamers shows 58% better at differentiating between variable contrast. It mean that well played action gamers or say fornite gamers (well played) can drive the car better or have ease 

Remember, playing action games such as fortnite do not change the structure of eye but it does improve the way we see the world or 'skill improvement' . Playing action games such as fortnite helps the brain to adapt visual information quicker in real world than those who don't play action games.

In simple language, it helps the eyes to perform better.

Note: Always take 5 minutes of break after every 30-40 minutes of gaming as to rest your eyes, so that it could lower the chance of myopia.

2. Benefit Of Playing Fortnite For Kid: Mind Development 

As mentioned above that moderate fortnite players are better in perceiving the information around them due to they force their brain to work in small 2D screen and perceive the things in game as if they are in 3D structure. Remember, it doesn't necessarily mean that mind it improves the health of brain, but rather it enhance the skill which can help the young mind to understand the difference between the reel life and real life. 

So yeah, kid is developing some sort of skill while playing fortnite and it is certainly not going to get waste. They come to know that failure is common and it particularly help them in real life as they have gain some kind of ability to not let them demotivated by failures and make some way to get to the path of success. 

Fortnite teach children that not getting victory royale doesn't mean that the game is over as well as success takes time.

3. Benefit Of Playing Fortnite For Kid: More Creative Mind

A report shows that action video game players such as fortnite players have more creative mind, and fortnite kid also does have ease in developing the artistic skill. That's the reason why most of the fortnite players can paint better, write better. 

Fortnite has a lot more than just shooting the opponents. It has building materials by which players can build stuffs inside the game and it also help in their real life. It help in breaking the obstacles coming in their path. So that mean fortnite playing kids can build a way even in 'no way'.


4. Benefit Of Playing Fortnite For Kid:   Enhances Concentration

It requires a lot of patience, focus, consistency as well as a lot of effort to master fortnite or any other online action games where many real players meets. No player likes dying and losing points frequently in action games (fortnite) and they need some sort of practice to get over there. And to become better player in fortnite, you required the above written skills (patience, focus, consistency and efforts). 

Remember that these skills when once are developed, can be applied anywhere in the world. So this is particularly good thing for kids.

5. Benefit Of Playing Fortnite For Kid: Improves Social Skill

More than 350 millions of players play fortnite which mean that players can communicate with other players. Frequent fortnite players communicate more with other players which develop the social skill.

There is option to add friends where you can play with your friends in fortnite and this can let the kid to communicate with others which may be indirectly help them in gaining confident in social skill. Skill once developed, can be applied anywhere in this world such as social skill. 

6. Benefit Of Playing Fortnite For Kid: High Reflex Skill

Once you becomes better player in fortnite means your speed of identifying opponents increases, which mean you can quickly aim the enemies and kill them. We call it reflex action when someone do action as soon as they get the information.

For example, after mastering the fortnite or any other action games, you have developed a better reflex skill which can help you in a situation where you have very very little amount of time. Think of surviving a car accident. 

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