What Is Money Cheat In GTA Online For PS4?

gta 5 car picture

Every GTA Online players of PS4 (not only ps4) once in their life might have wished to know the cheat code which can fill their pocket with millions of dollars, many of you have even tried to get that cheat code, but failed. 


Don't wanna hurt you but there is no cheat code made by developers of GTA 5 which can generate unlimited money. But still you will know 2 method-  One is a legit way and other is not. 

Is there any money cheat code in GTA Online?

As I said in introduction, the developers are the only one who can make cheat codes for the game in a legit way, and the developers didn't make any cheat code to get unlimited money in GTA online as it might cause trouble and  the game would look unreal.

The Reason:

Rockstar is very serious regarding the functioning inside the GTA Online. If their was any cheat code to generate h limited money, then what is the purpose of playing missions and heists while you can get enough money to get yourself 100 T20  and 30 Luxor Deluxe?

No real fun might be there in GTA Online if Rockstar ever decided to put a cheat code to generate unlimited money, right? So work your a.. of and get your pocket filled up with billion dollars.

How you can get enough money in GTA Online

There is two ways through which you can filled up your pocket with enough or unlimited money.

  • Legit way (for enough money)
  • Not a legit way (for unlimited money)

1. Legit way:

Legit way is a quite simple way to earn enough money. To do legit way for generating enough but not unlimited you should do more heist mission rather than simple side mission. If doing side missions, strive more for Gerald and Lester missions because it gives more rewards.

Try to become the host most of the time to enable the difficulty level to 'hard'. Setting difficulty level to 'hard' shortened the player life, but if you win, you gain more money and rp. This is the safest and the most reliable method to earn. 

Other way to get instant money is to steal luxury or super cars, set them with tracker and sell it. The process will take time, but still I didn't told you to grab a mod and do illegal stuffs. One more way is to invest your money in those stock where you think the slope is good going. 

Though investing in stocks can get you more money in less span of time in GTA Online, but yeah there is even risk of losing your money. But where there is a will, there is a way. (lol)  

2. Not a Legit way

Mod, hack, jailbreak is the illegal way. In PC, you can get more option of these whereas, Sony is very much concern about the jailbreaking,hack and mods stuffs so therefore PS4 is not a console to enjoy a longer duration of fun with unlimited money in Gta online. So PS4 is nothing like PC where you can jailbreak easily. 

Even if you somehow jailbreak you PS4, you will never be able to play online in GTA 5 because if you signed in, Sony will know about it and can take legal action by banning your account! In PC, no one really cares except the developers of GTA Online.

So this way of 'not legit way' can drop you in trouble so make sure you are doing good.


Play hard to achieve money in GTA Online by doing random heist missions, doing those Gerald and Lester missions, save your money and invest in good stocks, and spend it off on your most expensive stuff in Gta online. There is no way you can get a money cheat code for PS4, heck not even mods and all if you don't wanna fall in trouble. Leave PS4, even Xbox, PC, Nintendo don't have such cheat code

After all, even those virtual money is hard to make just like in real world (might be). Isn't GTA online is made to have fun with randoms/friends? I would say just forget about  making money and start enjoying the game more by playing a lot of stuffs. You will soon notice your balance filling with dollars. You'll soon get your dream T20 (or that jet maybe).

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