How To Play GTA 5 Easily On Mobile Without Any APK?

gta 5 on android mobile

GTA 5 has got awesome support worldwide and people without console or gaming pc wants GTA 5 to be downloaded in their phone. (seriously?). Okay, you wanna download GTA 5. But be well aware about Rockstar, because they are too concern when its comes to unauthorized uses.

Can You Download GTA 5 In Their Phone?

If you believe that GTA 5 can be downloaded by some hacks or APK, then it is not. Trust me, it is next to impossible to download GTA 5 on your android device with a small screen. 

Wherever you see people claiming that GTA 5 can be downloaded on a phone, quickly close the tab. They are lying (but I said it, so there is no need to close the tab right now.

Good news is that there is a way to play GTA 5 on mobile.

How to play GTA 5 on mobile? 

What are the things you required:
  • Decent internet connection: fiber/broadband.
  • PC/PS4.
  • Decent mobile which can stream GTA 5.
  • PSN id for PS4 users and steam account for PC users.
  • Thumbs to control.
  • Classical FPS mobile game skill.

For PS4 user with GTA 5

(Swipe below if you have PC). It is still possible to play GTA 5 on your android device but it cannot be downloaded. I am sorry but you have to have a PS4 in order to play GTA 5 on mobile and too a Sony phone.  Yeah, Sony is a money machine. 

If you have PS4 and GTA 5 (for ps4) with Sony mobile, then awesome! read below.

To play GTA 5 on Sony mobile (if you have PS4 and its GTA 5):
  1. Go to Play store and install 'PlayStation remote play'
  2. Switch on your PS4
  3. Connect PS4 as well as your Sony device with the same WiFi connection
  4. Open the remote app, follow steps.

If you don't have Sony phone and still want to play, root your mobile and get yourself PlayStation Remote app. You can know more about rooting through YouTube and Google. But don't get carried away!

Play your GTA 5 on PS4 with its streaming on your mobile. 

For PC user with GTA 5

Disclaimer: You must have your PS4/PC nearby mobile, because this process is meant to stream game-play on mobile, you cannot actually run GTA 5 on your mobile due to the reasons given below. And that's the reason why I am recommending you a robust internet connection if you don't have.

If you do not have GTA 5 on your PC: Tutorial to download GTA 5 

Make sure you have robust internet connection because your actual game will be running on PC, but streaming on Mobile and this requires high speed internet connection in order to play without lag.


1. Open your computer, download Steam if you don't have and keep it running. 

2. Now open steam link, which is available in apps store on your mobile

3. Scan for PC. 

4. Click the PC you're looking to connect with mobile.

5. On your mobile, a notification will come as 'Authorize device'

6. Fill the pin and after verification, click on 'Start playing'.

7. You will get similar display on PC and mobile. Now you can control either with your mobile or with keyboard and mouse. 

8. Minimize Steam on PC, then open GTA 5. You can find the layout arrangement by clicking an icon present at top right corner. 

Why you cannot download GTA 5 on your mobile?

The reason is not complicated, but understandable. You cannot download GTA 5 in your smartphone due to the following reasons:

  • Rockstar Policy
  • Smartphone capability

Let's go in depth:

1. As per Rockstar's policythere is no official app for GTA 5 released on smartphone and moreover, Rockstar released GTA 5 just on PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC. But still if you found an illegal way to get GTA 5 on your phone, Rockstar can get you in trouble. So better don't use unauthorized software to get it.

2. To run GTA 5, it takes a damn lot of specifications, even on mid end gaming pc. So running GTA 5 with the specs of mobile is nothing but a dream of mobile players. Storage alone won't let you play GTA 5 and even if it does take 60 GB of space and you have 120 GB storage in your phone, you still simply can't run it due to lack of graphic capacity in phone.

3. Not only this, running GTA 5 on a touchscreen mobile barely let you control. So that's the reason we play it on a big screen with a controller/ keyboard and mouse. Even while streaming, you'll have to use controller/keyboard to use those features which cannot be used by mobile control panel.

There is no official app for GTA 5 released on smartphone and moreover, Rockstar released GTA 5 just on PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC. But still if you found an illegal way to get GTA 5 on your phone, you can get in trouble if found by Rockstar (rarely). So better don't use unauthorized software to get GTA 5 for free.


People claiming that GTA 5 can be downloaded by some of the link they provides is completely false and they do so in order to gain profit from your view or due to the ads they provide when you click on that APK link. If you click download then there is huge chance for your mobile to catch malware or trojans, so better do not believe them.

Do  not download those lame apk to get GTA 5 run on your device or else, you'll trapped by malware and Trojan or even those files can be present with that APK which can steal your personnel data. Never let yourself be-fooled by those YouTubers and other bloggers claiming some strange steps to download Gta 5. 

Why not play GTA Vice City or SA because these two games are fully authorized and are fully compatible with mobile phones. Or else, get yourself a gaming pc or console and play all the games you wished to play. Money problem? Go work hard and achieve what you want!

This article was published on 5th of July, 2020. Updated on 28th of October, 2020

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