Who Owns Ford Motor Company | Where It's Located?

Ford Motor Company

Ford Motor Company was the first company to introduce assembly lines in the world. All the big manufacturing companies follow the assembly line. We'll go through a bit of history about the origin of Ford Motor Company, even about the assembly line as well as some facts about the owner of Ford Motor Company. 

Who owns Ford Motor Company? 

The first owner of Ford Motor Company was Henry Ford. Since 1956, Ford Motor Company is a public company, which means the one with the highest share. Henry Ford is known as the father of mass production. He was born in 1863 and died at the time of India's independence from the British in 1947. Though there's no relation between Henry Ford's death and India's Independence. 

Currently, Jim Farley (from Oct-2020) is the president and chief executive official (CEO) of Ford. The Vanguard Group owns the highest stakes of around 7%. For your information, Ford sells its luxury cars as Lincoln. 

Willian Clay Ford Jr. is the Executive Official of Ford. Ford family owns Ford Motor by 2% (equity) and 40% (voting power). 

From where did the Ford Motor Company originate? 

Ford Motor Company was originated in 1903 in Detroit, US by Henry Ford. Detroit is a city located in Michigan, US. 

Detroit, Michigan, US

Detroit is also known as Motor City. It is 370 square km by area. Moreover, Cadillac, a luxury car company was also founded in Detroit City of Michigan. 

As per USA Today, Detroit is listed amongst the top crimes city in the US. There are a lot of abandoned houses. Despite being a city with two motor company headquarters, the city suffers from more than 50% of people being unemployed. 

Though it was out of topic still consider it as facts. 

So basically the Ford company was founded in Detroit, a city in Michigan, US

From which country does the Ford belong? 

-Ford is from the US 

How Much is Ford Worth? 

Ford Mustang

Ford's net worth of October 2020 is around 30 billion USD. 

In 2019, the net worth was around 35 billion USD as of August 2019. The total revenue generated in 2019 was around 156 billion USD. The net income of that time was 47 million USD. 

Total assets till 2019 are around 258 billion USD. The largest annual loss of Ford was reported in 2006 and was around 13 billion USD. After 2 years, Ford sold Jaguar and Range Rover in the name of Tata Motors in India, worth around 2.3 billion USD. 

About Henry Ford's innovation in history:

Henry Ford, the founder, and ex-owner of Ford implemented an important feature of the US economy in the 1920s and that was mass production. In this way, Henry Ford doubled the daily wage to 5 USD in 1914 (in the year of WW1). At the same time, he didn't allow trade unions from operating in his plants.

Henry Ford repeatedly speeded up the production line and forced the workers to work even harder. This resulted in the recovering of high wages. 

It was the best cost-cutting decision he ever made in his life. Henry Ford's way of the manufacturing process was widely copied in Europe during the 1920s. And through this, the world started getting recovered from the impact of WW1. 

After the introduction of mass production and assembly lines, workers could then get higher wages and due to this, workers could afford goods such as cars. From then onwards, car production in the US rose from 1.9 million USD to 5 million USD in 1929. At the same time, there was a sudden growth in the purchase of other goods such as washing machines, radios, etc. 

Everything was going good until the Great Depression of 1929-1930. We should admire Henry Ford due to his extraordinary idea of mass production came from the assembly line. 

About assembly-line:

Assembly line refers to the mass production in which a person or a group/machine is assigned a specified task during manufacturing. 

Henry Ford was the main person in the role of introducing the assembly line. The idea of an assembly line came from a slaughterhouse in Chicago. 

His innovation made the production of the car simple and quicker. The car which took around 10 hrs to be built used to take less than 1 hour in the assembly line. The Assembly line was introduced just a few months before World War 1. 

To cure the impact of World War 1, the assembly lines helped America by increasing employment and reduced the time taken for producing goods. 

Though not only it helped America, but right now almost all the major companies use assembly line procedures which most of us have seen in the factory. Henry Ford is truly a legend, his innovation has improved the condition of businesses to a great extent. 


  1. Ford was founded in Detroit City of Michigan, in the US. 
  2. Ford was founded and owned by Henry Ford in 1903.
  3. The current CEO of Ford is Jim Farley. 
  4. Executive Official of Ford is William Clay Ford Jr. 

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