PS5 vs Xbox Series X : Who's The Winner?

Ps5 vs Xbox X series 2020

Both the PS5 and Xbox X Series  is going to launch during the holiday of 2020. Don't know why didn't they both just reveal the date. Might be it possible that they are going to release it on Diwali or Christmas through secret santa claus lol. 

Anyway you came here to know which would be better out of PS5 and Xbox X Series. Remember, all the specs written here is claimed true as per other articles and in future, it might be possible that the specs changes after it has released and if there will be change in the specs info, we will make a sudden change over here so till now, sit tight and try to accept information from different sources. 

The fact is that both the console is going to be awesome and will be better than previous generation by every extent. So yeah, you are in the era of advance gaming and probably going to get more advance after some years.

PS5 vs Xbox X Series: Which Is Better?

The comparison is made little easy by splitting the topic into sub-topic according to the specs and even if you do not have information about specs, you will still get to know about it.

Specification Difference

Here, the comparison between specs is divided into

  • Graphic card
  • Processor
  • RAM
  • Storage

1. Graphic Card


Graphic card play a vital role in creating the graphic of the game. It generate the output picture of the game on the display device or screen. It convert the data in order to be read  by monitor.

PS5 and Xbox X Series, both are going to have custom RDNA 2 graphic card of AMD but the main difference is that PS5 is said to be capable of 10.28 teraflops with 36 computed units which is clocked at 2.23 GHz while Xbox X series is said to be capable of 12 teraflops with an amazing 52 computed units and is clocked at 1.825 GHz

It is certain that 12 teraflops is better than 10.28 teraflops but what scare me is that we really don't know the difference between the performance of 36 computed units at 2.23 GHz and 52 computed units at 1.825 GHz because no one here has ever saw the PS5 devkits. So waiting till the games of both the console arrived as well as the console itself, we will certainly get to know about the difference. What I believe is that there will be not much noticeable difference.

Note- Teraflops mean trillion floating points and is a measure of computer speed. 

2. Processor


Processor is also known as central processing unit or simply cpu, and its main function is to carry out instruction that make up the software of device. Processor carry out math, logic and other operations which is stated by computer. Better processor mean faster the process.

Both the PS5 and Xbox X Series will feature AMD's Zen 2 with 8 core. The main difference here is that the processor of PS5 will clocked at 3.5 GHz whereas the processor of Xbox X Series will clocked at 3.6 GHz. So it is quite clear that Xbox X Series  is comparatively faster than PS5. But still a minor difference of 0.1 GHz is not really noticeable. Both the console have custom GPU.

So yeah, both will have great cpu.

3. RAM


RAM is defined as Random Access Memory  and it function as short storage. It store the running or background application so in order to get back to the same application faster. Once you launch any game on your console, RAM becomes active and store the variable data because pulling data out from storage is not effective and will slow the game.

Both the PS5 as well as Xbox X Series will have 16GB RAM of GDDR6. Cerny said that game will be faster by 100 times.

 The difference between it RAM is that PS5's  RAM will  have interface of 256 bit whereas RAM of Xbox X Series will do 320 bit. Let us not talk about memory bandwidth because we don't have the full information on it. But still providing you the little information.

As far as we know, the memory bandwidth of  PS5 is 448GB/s (the fact we don't know is that it is stable or not) whereas, Xbox X Series has 560GB/s at 10 GB while 336GB/s at 6GB.

4. Storage


As you know, memory is a short term storage, whereas Storage is actually a long term data location. It is usually in a solid shape as a hardware. It can store more data than that of memory or RAM.  

In terms of storage, both will be expandable by external storage but PS5 will have 825 GB of storage whereas Xbox X Series will come with 1 TB (1000 GB) of internal storage. So when purchased at first, Xbox X Series can store more data as compare to PS5. 


PS5 and Xbox X Series, both of them are going to be awesome console and seem like Xbox X Series will have small advantage over PS5 as looking at the specs or at least on the paper but it will not be really noticeable while playing game on these consoles. 

One more thing to be added over here is that the price of these two consoles aren't officially announced. More facts will be available to us as soon as the officials announce the information and surely will be available here.   So Xbox X Series is slightly better than PS5 on paper but for performance, we'll see later. 

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