Which One Is Better Out Of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash?

Bitcoin vs Bitcoin cash

Bitcoin is older than bitcoin cash. Bitcoin was release in 2009 whereas Bitcoin cash was released on 2017. It is certain that bitcoin cash is still in it development phase while on the other hand, bitcoin have a better control. 

Which One Is Better Out Of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash? 

We have made a comparison between bitcoin and bitcoin cash below.

1. Which one is cheaper to buy?

Currently, bitcoin cash is much cheaper than bitcoin. It is due to the fact that it was released just a few years ago whereas bitcoin was publicly announced a long back ago, in 2009. Old is gold. The current price of bitcoin as of writing this on 26th of February in 2021 is roughly 46.3k USD. While the value of  bitcoin cash is more or less 480 USD. The value of bitcoin is hundred times greater than bitcoin cash. So bitcoin cash is cheaper than bitcoin.

2. Transaction fee:

Bitcoin transaction fees are fees included with bitcoin transaction. Though it is not mandatory, but is strongly recommended. The transaction fee of bitcoin is quite irregular. Once it was as low as 0.005 USD and as high as 28 USD. Right now, the transaction fee of bitcoin is 17.3 USD. While on the other hand, the transaction fee of bitcoin cash is around 0.0024 USD. Bitcoin cash is much more cheaper than bitcoin. In another way. bitcoin cash is cheaper than bitcoin by around 7208 times.

From the date of release of bitcoin to March of 2017, the transaction fee never exceeded 1 USD.


3. Which one is faster out of Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash?

Theoretically or on paper, Bitcoin cash is faster than bitcoin due to the fact that block size of bitcoin cash is increased to 8 megabytes which speed up the process of verification. Though in 2018, the limit of block size was increased to 32 megabytes. Bitcoin cash can handle more transactions at a time due to lesser time taken for verification, which mean there may be some compromises in security if compared to bitcoin network. 

At last, on paper, bitcoin cash seems faster than bitcoin. While in reality, there may be some sort of fluctuation. As per sources, bitcoin cash block is 8x greater than bitcoin block. If talking about bitcoin block size, then it is no more than 1 megabyte as of 2020 (latest one).

4. Investors trust:

As bitcoin cash is new, there aren't much confidence investors who would like to put money into bitcoin cash and due to this, the value of BCH is lukewarm. Giant or rich investors may not like to invest much money in bitcoin cash as it it less profitable, rather they would invest their money in bitcoin to grab more profit out of it.

5. Development team:

Bitcoin cash team is kinda new as well as more enthusiastic than the team of bitcoin. Better team mean brighter future. So expecting bitcoin cash to be more user friendly, AI friendly as well as better ease of use in the coming period.

6. Popularity:

Bitcoin cash is still in it developing phase, attract lesser investors and is lesser profitable which make it less popular and  is un-welcomed by giant investors. If you ask someone the example of cryptocurrency, the first term which will come in the mind is 'bitcoin'. Obviously, bitcoin was the first ever cryptocurrency which came into existence.

7. Which is future-proof?

Bitcoin as well as bitcoin cash do not go under the hand of a nation, so if anything occur, the government won't take responsibility of it like it does to its currencies. As well as both aren't free of risk. The risk is involved due to their price volatility and it make even riskier than stocks. On the green side of the grass, this volatility can haply make it highly profitable. As per paper prediction, the value of a bitcoin in 2030 as per sources is roughly 400k USD. Whereas the value of bitcoin cash in 2030 is predicted to be anywhere between 2k to 9k USD.

''Risk is the spice of life'' - Dialogue of a movie 

Which one is better for you?

That is solely depend on your goal, pay, how much risk you can take, etc. This article isn't an investment advice rather it gives a brief general information related to bitcoin and bitcoin cash. Before investing in any cryptocurrency, I recommend you to take the help of professional investors, mentor or any person who has expertise over this field.


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