How Many Bitcoins Exist In This World?| 2009-2021

As per sources, the total number of Bitcoins
that can be ever created is no more than 21 million, which means that the limited supply of bitcoins is 21 million as a total amount. Let's know the total number of Bitcoin circulating around the world from 2009 to 2021 (Feb).

Fact: Around 850k bitcoins were stolen in the Mt. Gox Hack. It was the largest amount of bitcoin ever which was stolen.

How Many Bitcoins Are There In This World?

Total Bitcoins in 2021 (Current): 


The total number of Bitcoins circulating around the world as of writing this, on 23 September is 18.823 million

While in August of 2021, between 18.7 million and 18.8 million bitcoins were circulating. The total number of bitcoins that are left is around 2.2 million. Approximately 89.5% of the total bitcoins are mined till the 23rd of September, 2021. Bitcoin mining is increasing day by day as per the graph.

Total Bitcoins in 2015-2020: 



In January of 2015, around 13.6 million bitcoins were circulating. Whereas at the end of December, the total number of bitcoins circulating jumped to 14.9 million.


In the kick-off of 2016, the number of bitcoins was roughly 15 million. In the end, it rose by 1 million (16 m). The pace seems constant in the graph. From July 2016, the pace of bitcoin mining declined.


At the outset of 2017 (otherwise 1st Jan 2017), the total bitcoins were roughly 16 million. In December of 2017, the total number of bitcoins rose to 16.7 million.


The number of bitcoins at the outset of 2018 was anywhere between 16.7 million to 16.8 million. While in December, it increased to 17.4 million.


The sum of bitcoins in January of 2019 was nearby 17.4 million and 17.5 million. The total number of bitcoins, in the end, surged to roughly 18 million.


There were more or less 18.1 million bitcoins at the starting of 2020 (in January) while in December, the total number of bitcoins was 18.6 million. The pace of bitcoins mining was diminished after May.

Total Bitcoins in 2009-2014:



The sum of bitcoins circulating in the kick-off of 2009 was not more than 60. In December of that year, the total amount of bitcoins was around 1.5 million. Guess how much it increased within a year. 


Roughly 1.8 million bitcoins were circulating in the Jan of 2010. While in December, a total of 4.9 million bitcoins were circulating. 


Approximately 5.1 million bitcoins were present at the starting of 2011. In the end, the number of bitcoins surged to roughly 7.8 million


In January, the total bitcoins circulating around the world were more or less 8.1 million. Whereas the number of bitcoins jumped to around 10.5 million


The total number of bitcoins was estimated to be around 10.6 million. In November, it increased to nearly 12 million


The total amount of bitcoin was around 12.4 million. In December, a total of 13.5 million bitcoins were circulating. 

General facts about Bitcoin

1. The mining of the initial Bitcoin block occurred on January 3, 2009.

(Source: Block Explorer) 

Created in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto, the original Bitcoin mining did not happen until early 2009. This occurred when the source language of the Bitcoin software was released to the public as open-source.

2. The first Bitcoin purchase happened on January 12, 2009.

(Source: Bitnovo)

Hal Finney, a programmer by the time, received the first Bitcoin deal from Satoshi after he downloaded the Bitcoin software on the same day of its release.

3. The mediocre time it takes to authenticate a Bitcoin transaction is short beyond 10 minutes.

(Source: Statista)

According to Bitcoin mining stats, most Bitcoin transactions are sanctioned within 10 minutes. It depends on the computing capability of the miner, it might take more or less time.

4. The price of Bitcoin touched its highest height of $19,343 in December 2017.

(Source: Bitcoin)

According to statistics regarding Bitcoin2017 holds the most profitable year ever reported in the tale of cryptocurrency. There was a huge adoption valuation of Bitcoin, and this let the price skyrocket within months to attain its highest price ever.

  • how many total bitcoins are there- 21 million
  • how many bitcoins exist- 18.6 million
  • how many bitcoins currently exist- 18.6 million
  • total number of bitcoins- 21 million
  • how many bitcoins were there in 2009- 60
  • how many total bitcoins exist -18.6 million
  • how many bitcoins are there in total- 21 million

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