Why Apple Is More Popular Than Samsung?


Samsung is a South Korean Multinational corporation and was founded by Lee Byung-Chul in 1938. Samsung not only manufacturer smartphones, but also manufacture refrigerator, microwave, TV, VR, monitor, home theater, and much more. Let get straight to the question of why Samsung, despite earning more revenue and selling wider options of appliances isn't that popular as compared to Apple. 

Why Samsung Is Less Popular Than Apple? 

1. The very obvious reason: Quantity of new models each year. 

Apple never hurries in terms of manufacturing its new smartphones. Apple spent years designing its new iPhone. Due to its fewer variant models each year, consumers get fewer options. Nowadays people take quality over quantity seriously and that's the reason even when Samsung products are good but get lesser attention than Apple products. People tend to get confused easily while looking at a vast number of models. 

2. Apple is expensive, expensive=luxury. Samsung=wide range. 

A human being is the only species in the world that is self-conscious according to biology. What's I am trying to say is that a human being is the only living animal who is greedy, loves to show off, does not want to settle for low. So the fact Apple manufactures expensive phones makes it luxury in the eyes of us. So after all, Apple makes lesser phones per year and the average price is more than that of Samsung. We certainly think that Apple is luxurious just because of its rarity and costly prices. Apple got itself a premium tag by manufacturing high-end phones. 

Moreover, most of the notables and celebrities use Apple phones in comparison to Samsung. Celebrities= famous, famous=rich, rich uses Apple, which means Apple=rich. That's the way people perceive things. 

3. Apple phones can run for more years than Samsung phones. 

Apple's iPhones are quite optimized in comparison to Android phones. If we talk about Samsung, which is an Android phone, it will last for no more than 2-3 years in terms of the latest chip and other internal hardware. Whereas Apple is more of future proof. If a person buys the latest iPhone, it will certainly last for more than 4 years. 

Apple demands a bit more money than Samsung's high-end models, but surely good for you if you want it to run smoothly even after 3 or 4 years. Apple maintains consistency in its products in terms of hardware as well as software. Though this statement doesn't really match with the heading of this article. 

4. Apple is like dream for many people.

As I said above in the second point, people truly believe that they deserve more and for this, even they have sold their kidney to buy a phone with the Apple logo. On the other hand, some people are working hard to save money for buying iPhone. Samsung, on the other hand, doesn't have that value and rarity like that of Apple in order to sound like a dream product. 

Apple is dominating the smartphone market in Western Countries. 

We all are well aware of the fact that Apple is the no. 1 brand in terms of innovation and design. Many other smartphone companies try to copy the style of Apple. 

It's not true that Apple is dominating the whole world. In terms of continents grouping, Asia has the most Samsung users in comparison to Apple. Whereas western countries like Canada, US comprise mostly Apple users, more than Samsung. If people have to pick one of these two phones out of Apple phone and Samsung, they would choose Apple. 


Apple is certainly more popular in developed to rich countries whereas in developing to poor countries, Samsung got an edge over Apple. It has occupied a decent position in the market and got a loyal fan base. 

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