How Much Is Amazon Market Cap? | Historical data

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Amazon Inc is an American e-commerce multinational company. It was founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994 and is recognized as one of the most influential, economic, and most valuable brands.  It is the world's largest online marketplace, AI assistant provider, a live-streaming platform, and cloud computing platform.

What is its worth? What are some facts about its income? 
Read more to know 

How much is Amazon worth?

Amazon's worth

Amazon's current worth is  225,248 million USD.  Its capitalization is over a trillion USD. It surpassed  Walmart as the most valuable retailer in America. Jeff Bezos is the richest person and his major income is through Amazon. Amazon also generates huge revenue, in 2019 it generated a revenue of 280522 million USD. The first time Amazon touched a trillion digits was in April of 2020.
Amazon is one of the four trillion USD American multinational companies. The other three companies are Alphabet, Apple and Microsoft.

Amazon is not only one of the greatest corporations but also gives a large number of people employed in 2019 it had 798000 employees.

Apart from e-commerce Amazon is also an AI tech company and has many subsidiaries for example audible, good-reads, etc.

Let's look at the history of Amazon's worth, drastic falls, sudden growth, etc. 

2015-2019 Report:

Amazon' worth

-The worth of Amazon during the initial month of 2015 was around 150 billion USD and at the end of 2015, the worth of Amazon exceeded 320 billion USD. 

- The worth of Amazon during the initial month of 2019 was around 800 billion USD. At the end of 2019, the worth was reported to be around 865 billion USD.  

A sudden boost in the worth (2015-2019):

Though there was no sudden boost noticed, but in November of 2018, the worth rose from 800 billion USD to 855 billion USD within one day, the difference here is 55 billion USD. 

Sudden fall in worth (2015-2019):

Amazon never undergoes any drastic fall like that of Alphabet Inc. In March of 2020 (not in 2015-2019), Amazon bears a loss of around 108 billion USD in its worth within 2 days in March of 2020. Where there is a sudden rise, there will be a sudden fall as I noticed in every graph I saw till now. 

2011-2014 Report:

Amazon worth

-The worth of Amazon during the start of 2011 was merely 84 billion USD. At the end of 2011, the worth dropped down to 78 billion USD. The peak was 111.76 billion USD. 

- The worth of Amazon during the initial month of 2014 was 182 billion USD and at the end of 2014, it was 142 billion USD. The peak was 182.8 billion USD. 

A sudden boost in the worth of Amazon (2011-2014) 

Looking at the graph, the sudden rise in worth was noticed in April of 2012. The rise was from 88 billion USD to 102 billion USD. The difference was 14 billion USD in one day. 

Sudden fall in worth of Amazon (2011-2014) 

There was a fall in worth from 187 billion USD to 132 billion USD (not at constant speed but variable) from January of 2014 to May 2014. 

Facts about Amazon:

1.  Recently Amazon is growing to be more and more into controversies than any other MNC, especially for the environmental damage it causes it emitted 44.4 million metric tons of CO2 in 2018 and many activists are against it. Apart from the environmental damage it also has been indulged in frauds and tax frauds.

2. Amazon also introduced new policies for its employees who worked during the pandemic giving them 2 USD extra pay per hour.

3. Amazon buys many small-scale yet innovative tech companies and makes a lot of profit out of them like audio-books app audible, Good-reads, A9, etc.

4.  In France Amazon had a huge loss during the pandemic as the SUD trade union brought a case on Amazon for unsafe working conditions resulting in it shutting its six warehouses with a huge loss.

5. Amazon is also known to be not so good for its employees. Employee protests grow in Amazon regularly and during the pandemic, it had to face many resignations and protests. Amazon's former employees suggest working elsewhere than Amazon.


Even though Amazon is one of the biggest companies it is still lacking to be in a good place to work. 

Companies as big as Amazon, like Google and Facebook, are better workplaces than Amazon and do less environmental damage.

At last, we can say that Amazon could be more considerate of its employees because a company can bring out its best when its employees are happy.

Disclaimer: Net worth is usually represented as market capitalization, both these terms are different while the market capitalization is more useful than real net worth

Note: The net worth taken for the month is nothing but the near value of the average market capitalization of that month. The values provided here don't accurately resemble the real values. The market caps change daily, so the mean value is required for calculating the value of the month.


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