What Make Mercedes Cars So Reliable?

Mercedes reliable?

Though the first-ever car on this earth was made by none other than Mercedes Benz (known as Benz Parent Motor back in a time). Many a time, there is a misconception between Ford and Mercedes on the ground of which company made the first car. Ford was actually the first company in this world which introduced assembly line which now is being used by all the major companies around the world. 

In assembly line, a certain task such as assemblance of a single part of product is done by a person or group. 

I know I have written something out of the context but still, it's quite an interesting fact. 

  • What makes Mercedes So Much Reliable
  • What are the things which make Mercedes suck? 
  • Why Mercedes is expensive to maintain than a basic car? 

What Make Mercedes Cars So Much Reliable? 

The term reliable is multifaceted. 'Reliability' depends on the perspective of a person, whether a person defines reliability in terms of maintenance or in the terms of ownership. A properly maintained Mercedes will work wonders for you and fun to drive. First, we'll know about why Mercedes are reliable, then proceed to what are the things which make Mercedes suck

Mercedes wallpaper

1. Factors which make Mercedes cars reliable:

The first-ever factor is that Mercedes is a German car brand. Germany has an autobahn which means the car should be good enough to run at 200km/hr all day long. This is since German has a long history over cars and each part of the car is expensive and there is a reason for why they are expensive. 

The second factor which makes Mercedes a reliable car is the probability of its maintained car getting damaged due to any random reason is almost null. This implies the fact that the body of the Mercedes is made of an ultra-strong metallic surface. Even a 1997 Mercedes car in 2020 runs as smooth as it's new. Just service it when required. 

The third factor is that the latest Mercedes cars have got an impressive crash test report of a full five stars rating, this means Mercedes is one of the safest car brands. The body of these cars is made up of strong alloys like steel and other alloys with aluminum as a constituent. 

The fourth factor which makes Mercedes a reliable car is that many innovations have been brought by Mercedes for their cars. Many other car brands use those innovations which were implemented by Mercedes. 

Some of the innovations are; 

  1. The first internal combustion engine was made by Benz and Daimer & Maybach in 1886.
  2. The first passenger car (4-wheeler) with a brake on each wheel. 
  3. The idea of direct fuel injection was of Mercedes Benz. 
  4. 'Drop Chassis' was originally developed by Mercedes. 
  5. 'Safety Care' with front and rear crumple zone was also originally made by Mercedes. 

We can conclude from these innovations that Mercedes really care for their consumers and reputation. Moreover, Mercedes is a prestigious brand. 

2. What makes Mercedes suck? 

#1. Price Tag: If you cannot afford Caviar 3 times a week, don't buy yourself a brand new Mercedes car as it will burn down your wallet. Brand new Mercedes car is expensive for sure, but its regular maintenance and repair will screw your bank account because not everyone has a big fat wallet. Moreover, a cheap luxury car is not worth it, so better don't choose any cheap luxury car if you cannot get yourself, Mercedes. 

#2. Over-engineered: Simplicity is what most of us prefer, but the technologies used in Mercedes Benz are way too much engineered. The complex nature of the pieces presents inside a Mercedes car is enough to put your brain in trouble. 

#3. Devalue too quickly: Any Mercedes car depreciates out in a few years. So getting yourself a brand new MB is nothing but a waste of money. The same car, after 3-4  years will become cheaper. 

#4. Way too much mutual dependency on car parts: The rear camera work only after turning on the radio. There are other accessories too present inside Mercedes which are mutually dependent. 

3. Why Mercedes is expensive to maintain? 

The original spare parts of the Mercedes car are quite expensive. The oiling alone takes around a thousand dollars. Moreover, German parts are always expensive. Not only this, but even the technicians are highly skilled and they alone can put a fire in your pocket. 

Better to buy the spare parts of the car and arrange them by yourself if you have knowledge about the car parts or you can simply take it to any trusted unofficial garage. 


Mercedes is a reliable car if you have enough money to keep it maintained without thinking about its expense twice. Moreover, Mercedes is a car just like any other car but it's more like a wheel for Royals. After all, Mercedes cars are beautiful as well as you can ride them as fast as you want. So work hard and get yourself this piece in your garage! 

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