Fortnite vs PUBG: Which's Better For You?

Fortnite vs PUBG

Fortnite and PUBG, both the game was released in 2017 on different month. PUBG was released before Fortnite and the difference was of 3 months. Both the game is shooting-genre and got awesome support world wide. Though some may like

Both the games give you awesome time to play with your friends while chatting, killing and looting your opponents. Anyone can enjoy the game in free time and socialize more with others. Out of these 2 games, none will die in the upcoming years and both

Fortnite vs PUBG

We have classified the following points in such a way so that even amateur gamers won't get confuse as we have stated the reason for comparing each point.

First comparison is between the performance of these 2 games and second is the materials provided inside these games.


1. Fortnite vs PUBG: Graphic

Comparing any games on the basis of graphic is vital as no one want to play a game with terrible graphic having miserable characters. 

So, in terms of graphic, I'd say both have great graphic but the matter of concern over here is 'realism', PUBG has got realism. 

Just because everyone have different way of liking anything, we cannot say which one out of Fortnite or PUBG is better on the ground of graphic.

2. Fortnite vs PUBG: Gameplay

The gameplay is important factor of comparison because people have different choice of gameplay, some may like faster while others may go for shorted duration of gameplay.

If you are more into fast paced game, then Fortnite wins and if you are more into stealth and long duration game, PUBG wins. 

3. Fortnite vs PUBG: Sound

In PUBG, sound is more intensifying as well as full of suspension whereas Fortnite has fascinating but also filled with suspension especially that footsteps. 

The sound effect of Fortnite when the character jump out of the bus is awesome whereas in PUBG, the sound is made realistic to an extent that there is hardly any fascinating. 

If you like suspension sound effect, PUBG wins whereas if you like fascinating and entertaining sound effect, Fortnite is for you.

4. Fortnite vs PUBG: Controlling 

Its depend on the sensitivity the player has set according to what best suits them. So it is on you if you like controlling fast or slow. 

One thing is to be noted that Fortnite has very less lag as per I noticed but on the other hand,

But guns aren't easy to operate on PUBG as their is recoil feature which looks very realistic.

Activities and Materials

1. Fortnite vs PUBG: Map

The clear winner this time is PUBG because it offer more maps than Fortnite. But you should definitely know why does the Epic Games only added a single map in Fortnite:

The reason for why Fortnite has only a single map because for developers, making map with stuffs present inside which can be fully destroyed is not any easy stuff. So they simply update a single map over a period of time. 

If you'd say which game won according to me, I would say it depends on you. If you are likely to get bored of playing in a single map, PUBG is better for you. If you like to break down stuffs with your axe and don't mind playing in a single map till the recent update, go for Fortnite.

2. Fotrnite vs PUBG: Guns

Fortnite has a lot more gun and its varieties. You can even upgrade your guns in Fortnite. 

3. Fortnite vs PUBG: Matchmaking time

Matchmaking time of PUBG is a lot longer than that of Fortnite. If you are likely to be busy with your work and wanted to play game with short span of time so that you can play it in your shortest free period, then Fortnite is what you need. If you are hardcore gamer who don't likely to fall in trouble even after wasting half an hour or more, PUBG!

4. Fortnite vs PUBG: Competitive level

Competition is more in PUBG  than Fortnite. So PUBG is better for you if want more competition between your opponents. More tournaments are held each year for PUBG. 

Fortnite is less competitive but also not easier to master the game. Though everyone can play this game, but not all can develop best skill in few span of time. But wait, the recent price pool of Fortnite tournament was around 30 million USD. 

5. Fortnite vs PUBG: Cross platform

Fortnite offers cross platform on every platforms. Mean, you can play Fortnite on your PS4 and tell your friend with his mobile to let's play a multiplayer match together. Cross platform is available for PC, Xbox One, PS4, Android, iOS, Nintendo. 

Meanwhile, PUBG do offer cross platform but only with PS4 and Xbox One. So Fortnite have slight edge over PUBG here. 

Fortnite vs PUBG: Now who's better? 

A tough question, right? Let get to a quick solution.. 

Some may like RDR 2 over GTA 5, some may like Far Cry over Uncharted, as well as some may go for Fortnite over PUBG because they simply like it or some may like PUBG over Fortnite because they too simply like it. There is no rocket science to tell us which one out of Fortnite and PUBG is better because it depends on personal choice. 

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