Fortnite vs Minecraft: Which is Better?

Fortnite vs Minecraft

Fortnite and Minecraft both got awesome support from all over the world. But we should agree with the fact that Minecraft was released much more before Fortnite. Fortnite vs Minecraft is just like Virat Kohli vs Cristiano Ronaldo. Both the players play different games and perform different skills and like that only, Fortnite is more like shooting and killing game whereas Minecraft is more like a building block game. 

We are going to do a battle between Fortnite and Minecraft (Fortnite vs Minecraft) based on performance at first and other activities found in-game. Trust me, comparing these two games is not easy stuff. 

Fortnite vs Minecraft

On the basic of Performance

Fortnite vs Minecraft: Graphic

Before saying that Fortnite graphic is better and smoother than Minecraft, it's important to know that the term graphic doesn't refer to this. 

You should say that graphic of  Fortnite is a little more realistic than that of Minecraft, whereas the graphic of Minecraft resembles 20th-century games and it is not particularly bad. Just try to play on RTX rather than on mobile, you will surely be amazed by those bluish water and blocks. 

So which is better out of these two games depends on personal choice. Let simplify it, if you like 20th-century games, then you'll like Minecraft more than Fortnite whereas if you are more into cartoonish and smooth graphic, Fortnite is for you. 

So here, the battle is won by none as well as lost by none. 

Fortnite vs Minecraft: Control

Comparing Fortnite and Minecraft based on control is not easy. But Minecraft certainly got much more things in control, be it flying in the air in creative mode, 

On the other hand, Fortnite got some options in control. Fortnite is just any other TPS game where you have to shoot other players or opponents, after winning you gain coins and then you proceed for the next match where you'll have to do the same. 

But Minecraft is an RPG game, you just don't get to shoot, but to do vast major kinds of stuff too. 

Fortnite vs Minecraft: Sound

Minecraft rarely has sound effects and even if it has several sound effects, it lacks suspension and fascinating effects. Whereas  Fortnite has fascinating and amazing sound effects and no one dislikes the sound when the player jumps out of the bus. It is simply good! 

Minecraft has only some sound effects such as when the player tries to kill animals, that only the same for each animal. Another sound such as during building or breaking blocks is also audible but it's not much. 

Better sound mean more fun during gameplay. 

Fortnite vs Minecraft: Gameplay

As you know that Minecraft is Role Playing Game (RPG), you get several more options to do things which are more than you can find in Fortnite and as it is a TPS game, the main role of the character is to shoot other players and earn coins, it just little boring in the era where every producer are busy making shooting games. 

We have to agree that Fortnite has got much more things to do rather than shooting (such as building and breaking) which means Fortnite is definitely better than other Battle Royale games if we talk about activities. 

But we are doing Fortnite vs Minecraft so probably Minecraft has more things to do and players won't get bored off easily but here too, some people find Minecraft rather boring because they are more indulged in shooting games (FPS, TPS) rather than role-playing games. 

Based on Activities

Fortnite vs Minecraft: Map

Minecraft has 4 different maps and is larger than the earth itself! Whereas Fortnite has only one map for the whole game and you may get bored of playing a match on the same map. 

Minecraft has a very large map size and characters can roam around without thinking much about the limit of the map. 

So basically there is no limit for where you move in Minecraft, but in Fortnite, one has to take care of the zone as well as you cannot go out of the limit. And if someone moves away from the zone, aka on the blue zone, the health of the character. 

Fortnite vs Minecraft: Weapons

If you are more into shooting games and never like to go without some superb guns, then Fortnite is for you because it has a variety of guns with a grenade as well as bazookas which I love to play with.

On the other hand, Minecraft also has primitive weapons like bows, etc. Moreover, you can even upgrade those primitive weapons from wood to metal or diamond whatever you wish. You have to find a lot to upgrade it, which is pretty adventurous. 

Who's wins here? 

Modern guns, grenade, and bazookas- Fortnite

Primitive weapons, adventure, metal upgrade- Minecraft

Fortnite vs Minecraft:  Adventure

In Minecraft, you'll get a lot of fun and adventure trekking down the hills. There are a lot of things to overcome such as zombies, dragons, herobrine, etc. 

You can even play with your friend by inviting in your world. You can build almost anything with blocks of any elements, be it woods,  diamond or gold. You can even play hide and seek with your friends or join any server and play random games. Trust me you'll get tons of options in Minecraft. 

Whereas in Fortnite, the only things you can do is shoot, break and build materials. It also has a creative mode like that of Minecraft, but not as exciting as it.  Okay, you get more players to socialize with, but what's better than having the feels of freedom that you can get in Minecraft.

Fortnite vs Minecraft: Skins

Minecraft has more than 16 million shades,  for simplicity, in Minecraft, a character can have possibly access to more than billions of billion skins. 

On the other hand, there are around 400 (approximately) skins in Fortnite. 

Mean you'll get a WIDE VARIETY of skins in Minecraft. 

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