6 Damn Reasons Why PS4 Is Better Than Xbox |

PS4 is owned by Sony while Xbox is owned by Microsoft, both these gaming consoles are quite popular. But here we will discuss why PS4 is better than Xbox.

  • Which console out of PS4 and Xbox is better for gaming
  • Which of these consoles have better graphic
  • Which of these have best story line titles

Uh, wait we are talking about why PS4 is better than Xbox, so we will not discuss the negative points of PS4 right now.

For the following reason, PS4 is better than Xbox:

Reason for why PS4 is better than Xbox:

Note: There is no specs comparison right now, or else you already know the answer..

1. PS4 Games Have Unique story line :

PS4 never bored us with their titles. Each titles released by Sony is amazing in terms of story.

Let consider The Last Of Us, this game has got a massive fan-base and due to its astonishing story, even some Xbox players shifted to PS4 just to have an experience of The Last Of Us.

On the other hand, Xbox starve more for graphics and Forza is an example for this. Xbox don’t publish titles with story line as good as PS4.

Sony never failed to entertain players all around the world with their amazing story line.

2. Selection of free games on subscription:

PS4 provide better digital service. Selection for the titles of PS4 is much better than Xbox. Though both of them provide same subscription charge per month, but the games provided by PS4 is better.

We were discussing about PS Plus and Xbox Live Gold. Both of these consoles provide a massive numbers of game every years but the selection is better done by Sony.

3. User interference :

PS4 is more user friendly as compare to Xbox.

PS4 is quite simple, it have nicely arranged side bar whereas in Xbox, many users often get confused because it is a lot more like Windows 10 which cause difficult in interaction, but at the same time, Xbox is ultra-modern and stylish because of adjustment of boxes. Due to its extra modern arrangement, people often find difficult to roam around with their controller.

In simple language, PS4 is easy to navigate in whereas Xbox navigation system is like mess.

So, users found PS4 easier to use as compare to Xbox.

4. 4k games available for PS4 Pro:

This is quite a positive thing about PS4 that it can supports 4k games whereas Xbox One S can support only Blu-Ray which can be run on 4k.

So graphics becomes better for PS4. Though Xbox makes titles with great graphic.

Now games are available with 'pro mode' for PS4 Pro which enhance the graphic and makes the gameplay smoother

5. Virtual Reality Headset:

Nowadays, VR headset has became popular and who would not love to play scary games like RE7 with a virtual reality headset. VR headset made the users possible to roam around the world while sitting on the coach and have experience like never ever!

So PS4 users can have better experience with VR headset as compare to Xbox.

Though Xbox supports Kinect, but it is not as same as VR headset

6. Time to download games:

PS4 take quite less time to install as compare to Xbox and the difference is like more than 7 minutes.

Putting a disc after installation too take less time for PS4. So PS4 boots up faster than Xbox

If you easily pissed of over your patience, then Xbox is a nightmare for you, go for PS4.

Conclusion : We did just discussed about why PS4 is better than Xbox, so if you think it is unfair, then there is an article in this blog on Why Xbox Is better Than PS4.

This is PS4 vs Xbox, where PS4  won just because of the topic.  So don't discriminate.  Remember that both of these platforms are meant to be played games on it. Both gives awesome experience, be it Xbox or PS4. PS4 is made by Sony and Xbox One is made by Microsoft and these two companies are giant tech companies. So don't expect that one is better than other. It's depend on personal choice. 

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