Should You Get Yourself A PS4 or PS4 Pro? | PS4

PS4 Pro is better but still it do not sum up the whole story. PS4 Pro is better for sure, but the performance vary according to several factors. 

In terms of PS4 vs PS4 Pro, hands down to PS4 Pro but that doesn't mean that you are very fit to go for PS4 Pro!

First of all ask yourself, 
  • Are you a true gamer? 
  • Do you really likely to notice frame drop?
  • Can you easily spend off your money? 
  • Do you have a 4K HDR TV?

Read further to know more..


Should You Go For PS4 or PS4 Pro?

You will get following things to know till end:

  • Major difference between PS4 and PS4 Pro
  • Performance difference between PS4 and PS4 Pro
  • Which one should you buy out of PS4 or PS4 Pro

At first, let's know the major architectural difference betweem PS4 and PS4 Pro. 

Major architectural difference between PS4 and PS4 Pro:

- Though both of them has same CPU which is custom AMD 8 Jaguar core but for PS4, it runs 1.6 GHz, whereas PS4 Pro runs faster, at 2.1 GHz. Which mean that PS4 Pro is comparatively faster than PS4. 

- In terms of GPU, PS4 is capable of 1.84 teraflops, whereas PS4 Pro is capble of 4.2 teraflops which is pretty good. PS4 Pro wins in terms of GPU

- PS4 have 8GB GDDR5 and is clocked at 176 GB/s, whereas PS4 Pro have 1GB extra RAM to perform other tasks such as Netflix and other multimedia.

- PS4 have 500GB of storage while PS4 Pro have 1TB of storage but still user can replace.

- PS4 is slightly smaller in size and lighter than PS4 Pro (don't matter much).

Performance difference between PS4 and PS4 Pro:

PS4 can run 60 FPS on and 1080p on its maximum and it do not have feature to run 4k. PS4 Pro is built to be capable of 60 FPS and 1080p while on 4k, it is capable of 30 FPS. 

The frame rate of PS4 is not stable, for example, if you run battlefield in PS4 then the frame rate vary between 30 to 60 FPS. Whereas PS4 Pro is quite stable and run battlefield with 60 FPS (1080p).

30 FPS and 60 FPS is somehow very different but if you look at 60 FPS and 90 FPS, it is very similar and have negligible difference to be noticed.

PS4 Pro is able to lock a solid 1080p in all the games whereas PS4 go anywhere between 900p to 1080p depending on the game. 

PS4 Pro is comparatively much better than PS4 original in terms of GPU, CPU, Performance. Though the graphic difference is not too much noticeable but still a good reason to differentiate.

It is easier to say that PS4 Pro perform much better than PS4 and people will definitely tell you to buy PS4 Pro.. alright, we'll know about is little later..

Which One Should You Buy: PS4 or PS4 Pro

I would better say go for PS4 Pro ONLY if you can easily spend on it or else it is not really worth for you if you are a sort of a casual gamer.

Go for PS4 Pro:

    • If you are a sort of person who easily notice frame drop.                                           

While playing game on PS4, you are very likely to go through unstable frame rate. If you cannot tolerate drops (though 30 fps and 60 fps varies greatly) go for PS4 Pro it is quite stable in this terms.

    • If you don't like unstable resolution.

Depending on the games, resolution change between 900p to 1080p in PS4. Serious game might hate this.

    • If you have a 4K HDR TV to run PS4 Pro.

If you are a sort of person who never enjoy games without decent graphic, then a 4k HDR TV is must for PS4 Pro. If you do not have a 4K HDR TV, then you will not be able to experience the   number 1  feature of PS4 Pro

    • If you have Sony PS VR Headset.

Sony PS VR Headset works much better on Pro Edition and we all would love to experience The Resident Evil 7 with it, right? 

    • If you do not own a PS4 right now:

Lol, I don't meant to be serious over here, but what is said is correct. If you have a PS4 right now, then better wait for next sale of PS5, why to rush?

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